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April Showers Bring May Fowers

Hello Beautiful Lavender Loving Friends, As we say goodbye to April and what I hope will be the end of April Showers, I look forward to welcoming May with its warmer temps and with that, the waking up of our perennial gardens and of course, our beloved lavender. I’m so relieved to see some of the plants greening up which always fills me with hope. Sadly, we are still under the Stay At Home Executive Order for at least a few more weeks. As a reminder, our online store is always open. We will continue to offer Contactless Curbside Pick-Up. This new Pick-Up System has been working really well. For everyone who took advantage of our new Pick-Up System, Thank You so much for arriving on time. This helps me in my mission of sanitizing all surfaces in between appointments so everyone stays safe. I've received inquiries about the availability of our Alcohol Cleansing Spray. We still have some in stock and ready to ship or pick-up. For everyone waiting on the Hand Cleansing Gels, Thank You for your patience. I hope to have an update soon.

I’ve receive a few requests for our lavender teaware and I’m happy to announce that most of the items are now on the website!! These beautiful fine bone china pieces make really nice gifts but quantities are limited so if you’re interested don’t hesitate as I don’t know when I’ll be able to get them back in stock.

For those of you wondering about your lavender... leave it alone and be patient. Some lavender varieties like to take their time coming out of dormancy, especially when Mother Nature can’t decide what season she wants it to be *sigh* In the coming weeks I’ll be taking you on a virtual tour of the field to talk about lavender and hopefully answer any questions you may have. In the meantime, I’m here to help so please give me a call with your questions or concerns. We cannot express how grateful we are for the continued love and support you've shown us. We really miss seeing all your smiling faces and can’t wait to welcome you back. In the meantime, please continue to be safe and take care of each other. With Love and Gratitude, Jim & Monica


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Orchard View Lavender Farm

101 Karrsville Road

Port Murray, New Jersey 07865


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Currently Closed For The Season.

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@ 2024 Orchard View Lavender Farm, LLC

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