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Welcome 2021 Season

Hello Lavender Loving Friends,

I hope you and your loved ones are all doing well. It’s good to connect with you again after such a long winter. I do love this time of year when the gardens are starting to come back to life and the lavender is starting to wake from dormancy. I’ve received lots of inquiries about the lavender and when it will be in bloom. Well, that’s not always easy to answer. Our English varieties typically bloom middle to end of June and our French typically start to bloom middle to end of July. We sometimes get a second bloom on our English varieties. Please keep in mind that we are at the mercy of Mother Nature. She determines the bloom times, as well as the duration of the blooms. Be on the lookout for Purple Watch updates for the latest on the lavenders.

Speaking of lavender, for those of you who have lavender plants here are a couple of tips. As always, feel free to reach out with questions about care and maintenance:

1. Do not prune yet! Now that the weather is getting nice we can't wait to get outside and get our hands dirty. Wait to prune until the danger of frost has passed... this is usually around Mother's Day.

2. Don't yank it out yet! It may look dead but it may not be. You have to be patient with Lavender. Sometimes, especially after a long harsh winter, it takes longer to come out of dormancy.

We're happy to finally announce our opening date for the 2021 Season. Opening day will be Sunday, May 2. We apologize for the delay and we genuinely appreciate your patience. As a reminder, our hours will be Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays from 10 am – 5 pm.

As always, your safety is especially important to us. Thus, our COVID-19 Safety Measures are still in full effect. They are as follows:

  • Please stay home if you are not feeling well.

  • 6 ft. Social Distancing is required.

  • Face Mask, covering nose and mouth, is required. Face Mask may be removed while outside only if there is adequate distance between you and other visitors.

  • Only 5 Guests will be allowed in the Shop at one time.

  • We reserve the right to limit the number of visitors on the property and in the field at any given time to ensure everyone’s safety.

  • Hands must be sanitized upon entering the Shop. Sanitizer will be provided.

  • Samples will not be available during this time.

  • Patience, Kindness and Good Vibes Only PLEASE.

In an effort to clear up any misconceptions about our farm, which is also our home, we’ve redesigned our website. We’ve updated our FAQ Page, added an Important Info Section and Professional Photography Section. Please take a moment to visit our new website and let us know if you have any questions.

You will also notice a new Admission section. Those of you who know us know that this is something we’ve struggled with since we first opened our farm. We've always been against charging admission, unfortunately, we can no longer avoid it. Soon we will begin charging a small admission fee to help offset the many expenses associated with maintaining the farm and providing our visitors with a beautiful and serene oasis to visit and enjoy. Specific information will be available in the coming weeks.

We’ve already started to schedule fun-filled events you’ve all come to enjoy. Back by popular demand are our Paint Classes, Yoga, Reflexology, Reiki and of course the very much-loved Sunset At The Lavender Farm Events. Please visit the Event Page for dates and registration information.

In the coming weeks we'll be announcing new products and partnerships we're very excited about. Stay up to date with the latest news by following us on Facebook and Instagram.

We’re looking forward to welcoming you again and sharing our “farm sweet farm” with you.

Wishing you Peace and Love,

Monica & Jim


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Orchard View Lavender Farm

101 Karrsville Road

Port Murray, New Jersey 07865


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Currently Closed For The Season.

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@ 2024 Orchard View Lavender Farm, LLC

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